Brian G. M. Main

- Publications


A few selected Journal Articles - highlights from career:

(For a full list of publications, see Publications in Full CV)

  1. ''Unemployment spells and unemployment experience' (with George Akerlof), American Economic Review, 70: 885-893, 1980.
  2. 'Pitfalls in Markov Modeling of Labor Market Stocks and Flows', Journal of Human Resources (with George Akerlof), 16: 141-151, 1981.
  3. 'An experience weighted measure of employment and unemployment durations' (with George Akerlof), American Economic Review, 71:1003-1011, 1981.
  4. 'The length of a job in Great Britain', Economica, 49: 325-333, 1982.
  5. 'Why Large Corporations Purchase Property and Liability Insurance. A Survey of the Fortune 500', California Management Review, 25: 84-95, 1983.
  6. 'School-Leaver unemployment and the Youth Opportunities Programme in Scotland', Oxford Economic Papers, 37: 426-447, 1985.
  7. 'CEO salaries as tournaments and social comparisons: a tale of two theories', (with Charles O'Reilly and Graef Crystal), Administrative Science Quarterly, 33: 257-274, 1988.
  8. 'The effectiveness of YTS as a manpower policy' (with Michael Shelly), Economica, 57: 495-514, 1990.
  9. 'Women and the union wage gap' (with Barry Reilly), Economic Journal, 102: 49-66, 1992.
  10. 'Top executive pay: Tournament or teamwork?' (with Charles O'Reilly and James Wade), Journal of Labor Economics, 11: 606-628, 1993.
  11. 'The Remuneration Committee and Corporate Governance' (with James Johnston), Accounting and Business Research, 23:351-362, 1993. Reprinted in The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics: Corporate Governance, Kevin Keasey, Steve Thompson and Mike Wright (eds.). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 1999.
  12. 'Pay in the Boardroom: Practices and Procedures', Personnel Review, 22: 1-14, 1993.
  13. 'The CEO, the Board of Directors, and Executive Compensation: Economic and Psychological Perspectives' (with Charles A. O'Reilly III and James Wade), Industrial and Corporate Change, 4: 293-332, 1995. Reprinted in Governance and Executive Compensation, William Forbes (ed.). London: Edward Elgar Publishing (2010).
  14. 'Total Board Remuneration and Company Performance', with Alistair Bruce and Trevor Buck, Economic Journal, 106:1627-1644, 1996. Reprinted in The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics: Corporate Governance, Kevin Keasey, Steve Thompson and Mike Wright (eds.). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 1999.
  15. 'The British and American Rules: an experimental examination of pre-trial bargaining within the shadow of the law', with Andrew Park, Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 47: 37-60, 1999.
  16. 'The impact of defendant offers into court on negotiation in the shadow of the law: experimental evidence” (with Andrew Park), International Review of Law and Economics, 22: 177-192, 2002. .
  17. 'Performance and Pay for UK Executives' (with Alistair Bruce, Trevor Buck and Henry Udueni), Journal of Management Studies, 40: 1703-1721, 2003.
  18. 'Top Executive Remuneration: a view from Europe' (with Alistair Bruce and Trevor Buck), Journal of Management Studies, 42: 1493-1506, 2005.
  19. 'The ABI Guidelines for share-option based incentive schemes: Setting the hurdle too high?', Accounting and Business Research, 36: 191-205, 2006.
  20. 'Setting the CEO’s pay: It’s more than simple economics' (with Charles A O’Reilly III), Organizational Dynamics, 36: 1-12, 2007.
  21. 'The Remuneration Committee and Strategic Human Resource Management' (with Calvin Jackson, John Pymm and Vicky Wright), Corporate Governance. An International Review, 16: 225 - 238, 2008.
  22. 'Do Career Shares improve CEO performance? Evidence from FTSE350', with Rolf Thiess and Vicky Wright. Journal of General Management, 36: 37–51, 2011.
  23. “Appointments, Pay and Performance in UK boardrooms by Gender”, with Ian Gregory-Smith and Charles A. O’Reilly III, Economic Journal. Volume 124, Issue 574 (February) pp. 109–128, 2014.
  24. “Heads I win, Tails you lose? A career analysis of executive pay and corporate performance”. with Ian Gregory-Smith, Cambridge Journal of Economics, Volume 39, No. 5 (September), pp. 1373-1398, 2015.
  25. "Testing the Participation Constraint in the Executive Labour Market”, with Ian Gregory-Smith, Scottish Journal of Political Economy, Volume 63, Issue 4 (September), pp. 331 - 426, 2016.
  26. "Progress on Gender Diversity for Corporate Boards: Are We Running in Place?”, with Catherine H. Tinsley, James B. Wade and Charles A. O’Reilly III,  Industrial & Labor Relations Review, Volume 70, No. 1 (January), pp. 160-189, 2017.
  27. Symbolic management and the glass cliff. Evidence from the boardroom careers of female and male directors.” Brian G M Main and Ian Gregory-Smith, British Journal of Management, Volume 29, Issue 1, Pages 136–155, January 2018.
  28. Executive pensions and the pay-performance relation. Evidence from changes to pension legislation in the UK”, with Damon Morris, Ian Gregory-Smith, Alberto Montagnoli, and Peter Wright, Oxford Economic Papers vol. 73, , Issue 3, July 2021, Pages 1304–1323, 2021.
  29. Excess executive compensation and corporate governance in the UK and Spain: A comparative analysis”, Managerial and Decision Economics, with Gregorio Sanchez-Marín, M. Encarnación Lucas-Perez, J. Samuel Baixauli-Soler and Antonio Mínguez-Vera, (February) 2022. Vol. 43, pp. 2817-1837.
  30. Anti-market Sentiment and Corporate Social Responsibility: Evidence from Anti-Jewish Pogroms” with Xianda Liu and Wenxuan Hou, Journal of Corporate Finance. Volume 76, October 2022, pp. 1-25.
  31. Pandemics and Financial Development: a Lesson from the 1918 Influenza Pandemic”, with Wenxuan Hou, Mao Li, and Xiaofan Liu, Journal of Corporate Finance, forthcoming, Volume 83, December (2023).
  32. Military Experience and Subsequent Effectiveness as a Director" with Xianda Liu and Wenxuan Hou, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. Volume 222, June 2024, Pages 144-176. (2024).
  33. “The Cultural Legacy of Anti-Jewish Pogroms: The Impact on Access to Finance and Innovation”, with Jianan Lu and Wenxuan Hou, Journal of Financial Intermediation, (2025). YJFIN_101119, forthcoming.
  34. "Charity Experience of Directors and Corporate Social Responsibility: Global Evidence" with Xianda Liu andWenxuan Hou. European Financial Management. 2025, forthcoming.


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